Object-Oriented Programming
Course Objectives
To teach the student the concepts of object oriented and procedure programming
To differentiate between functions, classes and objects
To learn to overload functions and operators
To design applications using dynamic memory management techniques
To teach the student to implement generic programming and exception handling
Important Course Notes
Class Sessions
Saturday from 12:00pm- 1:30pm [Group A2] @Hall 1.
Saturday from 1:45pm- 3:15pm [Group A1] @Hall 2.
Tuesday from 8:30am- 10:00am [Group A4] @Hall 1.
Tuesday from 12:00pm- 1:30pm [Group A3] @Hall 2.
Office Hours
Wednesday from 10:30am - 1:30pm
Grading Criteria
Assignments / Practical Exam 40%
Attendance - 10%
Quiz - 5%
Oral Exam - 15%
Midterm Exam - 30%
Final Projects - 25% Bonus
More Details
Late assignments and make-up
Assignments submitted after the due date are docked 10% per day and will not be accepted for credit after a week.
Lab & Workshops
Lab Tools: Code::Block